Put your faith into action, share Christ’s love!
Sharing Christ’s love through service to others connects us as a community and to God. Trinity tries its best to provide opportunities for all ages and talents.
For more information, please contact our office, or see our Facebook page.
Worship Volunteers
We rely on our volunteers each week to help worship run smoothly! Consider helping people connecting with God at a worship service that best fits your schedule. Opportunities include Communion Assistant, Scripture Reader, Greeter, Usher, Acolyte (3-8th grade), Children’s Moment presenter, and online opportunities.
Altar Guild
Altar Guild is composed of dedicated Christians that facilitate the life of the congregation by setting up and taking down communion and arranging the altar area. If you are interested, contact Julia Wolfgram.
Home Communion Ministers
On the third Sunday of the month, Home Communion Ministers go directly from our 8:15 am worship service to the homes of those who cannot get out, to share communion and a visit. Open to members of Trinity who have the gift of cordial and thoughtful visitation. Visits start at about 9:15 am and last no more than an hour (plus travel time).
Soup Kitchen
As another ELCA congregation in our synod, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church and Food Pantry (605 Spruce Street) in Madison, WI is always looking for adults (and children accompanied by an adult) with a passion for helping their neighbors to help serve their free Friday meal. More information on their website.
Much of Trinity’s cleaning and maintenance is done by generous and thoughtful members and friends who serve their neighbors by maintaining the church property. The opportunities are endless and flexible to your schedule. If you are looking for a place to start, there is a list of tasks inside the cleaning closet!
Christmas Tree Sale
The Christmas Tree Sale is Trinity’s annual fundraiser to help support the Lake Mills Food Pantry. Beginning on Thanksgiving weekend, you can purchase a tree or help sell them for a great cause!