Acolyte Training & Volunteer Form

Acolyte Training and Volunteer Form

Each October during Sunday School, your child will have opportunity to learn about one of the worship ministry roles here at Trinity – acolyting (lighting the altar candles during the church service). Those students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades learn why it is a part of our worship time and are shown how to do it. Attached you will find additional information on acolyting.

Acolyting can be one of the steps your child takes in becoming involved in the ministries here at Trinity. If this is something your child would like to do, please complete the online form below or download a paper form and put in the church office door. If this role is not a fit, that’s OK too.  As the children progress into the upper grades (6th – 8th) they will learn more about other worship ministry roles they can participate in.

Online Acolyte Volunteer Form

Download the Acolyte Volunteer Form PDF

Acolyte History and Training


In the Lutheran tradition, acolytes participate in the worship service by carrying a processional cross, lighting the altar candles, extinguishing the altar candles, and ringing the church bell to call the congregation to worship. In these traditions, the lighting of the altar candles in the worship service is a symbol of Jesus’ coming into the presence of the worshiping community. Before the extinguishing of the last altar candles, the acolytes relight their “candle lighter” and then process out into the narthex, Gathering Space. This symbolizes that Jesus Christ is for all people everywhere. It also symbolizes the light of Jesus Christ going out into the world where believers are called to serve.

Tools: Candle Lighter / Snuffer (extinguishers)

Physical Appearance

An acolyte should always be neat in appearance. Hair should be combed neatly. Clothes and shoes should be neat.


An acolyte should show reverence to the altar of God by pausing at the bottom step of the altar and making a small bow before proceeding up to the altar to light the candles. After the candles have been lighted and the acolyte has returned to the center of the altar, another small bow should be made before proceeding down the aisle.

It is important not to talk during the service or while performing any of the duties. If you are not sure about something while up at the altar, quietly whisper, but do not make any unnecessary gestures or comments.

A smile is a witness to the fact that we are happy in the love of God. Therefore, a smile is quite appropriate. However, an acolyte should never engage in silliness or clowning around. An acolyte should show dignity, reverence, and joyousness.

Never panic if something goes wrong while you are performing your duties. Merely take care of what has gone wrong and continue your task.