Holy Baptism
What is Holy Baptism?
Holy Baptism uses water and the Word of God to bring us together as children of God and give us salvation
It is how we receive God’s grace and forgiveness. Holy Baptism is for all people that accept Jesus into their lives and unites us as the people of God. Holy Baptism is how we share in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
What do I need to do to be baptized or have my child baptized at Trinity?
Baptism at Trinity Lutheran Church is simple.
Baptism at Trinity Lutheran Church is simple. If you accept Jesus into your life, we welcome you to become a Christian and a member of our congregation through Holy Baptism.
Simply contact the office to schedule a date for the ceremony, schedule an appointment to meet with the pastor before the ceremony, and complete and return the Baptism Information Form for adults or children.
We can be reached at (920) 648-2717 or via e-mail.

Frequently Asked Questions
Am I too old (or too young) to be baptized?
Simply put, no. People come to Jesus at different times in their lives, and, to Trinity, helping you be a child of God is the most important thing. If you’re planning for a new baby, parents typically plan a baptism for between 2-3 months of age.
Which worship service can I be baptized at?
Technically, any of them. We do recommend that baptisms happen at the later worship service on Sundays as we find a bit more time in the morning can be helpful to families.
Can my family be baptized together?
Yes! In the past, we’ve baptized groups of siblings, grandparents & grandchildren, and even classmates getting ready to be confirmed.
What exactly happens during a baptism ceremony?
Trinity wants baptisms to be as happy and simple as they should be. Trinity has a pre-written ceremony that is typically added to a worship service and led by the pastor. Essentially, you will be reading along in a bulletin. During the ceremony, the person who will be baptized and their sponsors (& parents for young children) will be invited up in front of the congregation to promise to fulfill the covenant of their baptism. The person being baptized will then be sprinkled with water and anointed with oil. The ceremony ends with a gift of a baptismal candle and presenting the baptized as a member of the Trinity faith community.