Sunday School
Sunday School is a welcoming environment for your child!
Sunday School Kick-off: Friendship Fair
The Sunday School year begins with the Friendship Fair on the Sunday after Labor Day. Join us from 9:20-10:20 a.m. (between services) for games, face painting, jumpy house, and other kid and family-friendly activities. Sunday School registration will take place at the welcome table and teachers will be helping with the activities!
Are you interested in helping with Sunday School?
See the positions below. Sign-ups are available in-person weekly or you can email the church office.

Sunday School Community
Sunday School is Trinity’s group for preschool and elementary-age students. We are blessed with dedicated and caring leaders who give their time to help students learn, grow, and have fun! Lessons are designed by teachers and parents who want an interesting and hands-on way for their kids to explore their faith. Sunday School is relevant, affirming, engaging, and interactive. Each day includes highs and lows, prayer, the subject of the day (often a Bible account), and activities which may be games, snacks, crafts, and more.
Sunday School runs from 9:20 to 10:20 a.m. and is available for young people 3 years old through 5th grade. The adventure begins in early September (the Sunday after the Friendship Fair) and runs through the week before Memorial Day.
Special Events
Often throughout the year, the Sunday School holds a “Service Project” day, where all students come together to undertake a project. Projects have included packing and taking food to the food pantry, creating holiday cookie jars for needy families, making blankets, and assembling candles and holders for Christmas Eve worship.
Students are welcome to participate in a Youth Choir which sings periodically at the 10:30 a.m. worship service.
All third-graders enrolled in Sunday School are presented with Bibles in early October during our Sunday 10:30 a.m. Jubilee service.
In December, all students in our Sunday School program present a Christmas program. This typically is held two weekends before Christmas Eve.
First Communion training is incorporated into the 5th-grade year of Sunday School.

Friendship Fair
Trinity kicks off the Sunday School year with Friendship Fair – full of fun, games, and prizes! This morning is a fun way to turn in your Sunday School registration form, get to know your Sunday School teachers, and just have fun! Friends are always welcome and we usually have a bouncy house!

3rd Grade Bibles
At Trinity, each of our 3rd Graders are presented with with their own Bible during worship in the fall. Trinity believes that we should “never give a child a new Bible” and places the bibles for the 3rd Graders in the Gathering Space a few weeks ahead of time to let our congregation highlight the verses of special meaning to them.

5th Grade 1st Communion
Trinity holds a four-week course each year for our 5th Graders prepping for their 1st Communion. This course is down to earth and aims to teach kids the meaning of and what actually happens during communion in worship. These kids will then have the opportunity to take their first communion as a group and with their families during worship.